Monday, June 22, 2020

The Sunshiny Tech Summer Camp: Week Three

Hello and happy Monday!  The Sunshiny Tech Summer Camp Week Three is here. I am REALLY excited about the content this week:  Let's learn about... Google Sites!

This week you will develop skills to build a website using the NEW Google Sites.  These are great skills for anyone to have.  BUT- I want you to go into this with the mindset that our ultimate goal is to support our students as THEY build their own websites.  You'll be gaining skills for ALL of you!
As students build a website, there is so much involved... critical thinking, creativity, content research, planning, design, organizational skills, writing skills, grammar skills... I could go on and on.  

Click here to access Week Three of the Sunshiny Tech Summer Camp:
Google Sites!


  1. I love the possibilities for integrating the arts into google sites by students. How awesome would it be to include a tab called "Water Art" and include a musical composition and a painting about water?

  2. Lots of possibilities! Love it! Much easier than the previous Google Site.

  3. Seems simple enough! I would love to explore options for a class page and/or future distance learning.
