Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Coming Soon- Sunshiny Sessions!

Happy Wednesday!  Just wanted to stop for a minute to announce a new learning opportunity that will begin next week.  Announcing...

Yes!  Sunshiny Sessions!  It's true, each session will only last TWENTY minutes- MAX!  My goal is to offer a session each week on Thursday afternoons at 3:30 p.m.  (The day might vary depending on the week.) The goal of this session is for us to learn something new together.  It will be informal and easy going.  There will be no sign up necessary.  Feel free to join the Zoom link if you are free and want to learn more about the topic of the week! That's it!

Our first session will be next week, December 10th.  Take a look at our first topic....

Classroom Discussion with GrokSpot!  If you read my previous post, you might have an idea of what GrokSpot is.  If not, let me tell you a little bit about it.  From the GrokSpot website... "Make Learning Visible: GrokSpot is the simplest way to check for understanding and have rich discussions."

If you want to learn more about GrokSpot, I hope you will be able to join our first Sunshiny Session next week.  No worries, I'll send you a reminder and the link to join!  Hope to see you there!

PS- If you are not a teacher at one of my six campuses, feel free to send me an email ( so I can be sure to include you when I send the link!  :)

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